
object RedisBatch extends HasFlatMap[RedisBatch]

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. RedisBatch
  2. HasFlatMap
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class Index extends AnyRef
  2. implicit final class SequenceOps[Ops, Res] extends AnyVal

Value Members

  1. def failure(cause: Throwable): RedisBatch[Nothing]
  2. implicit def flatMapOps[A](left: RedisBatch[A]): FlatMapOps[RedisBatch[A], A]
    Definition Classes
  3. def foldLeft[T, A](ops: TraversableOnce[RedisBatch[A]], zero: T)(fun: (T, A) ⇒ T): RedisBatch[T]
  4. def foldLeftMap[A, B, T](coll: TraversableOnce[A], zero: T)(opFun: (A) ⇒ RedisBatch[B])(fun: (T, B) ⇒ T): RedisBatch[T]
  5. def foreach[A](ops: TraversableOnce[A])(opFun: (A) ⇒ RedisBatch[Any]): RedisBatch[Unit]
  6. def fromTry[T](t: commons.Try[T]): RedisBatch[T]
  7. def sequence[Ops, Res](ops: Ops)(implicit sequencer: Sequencer[Ops, Res]): RedisBatch[Res]

    Merges multiple RedisBatches into one.

    Merges multiple RedisBatches into one. This is similar to Scala's Future.sequence but more general, because the left-hand-side (Ops) can be more than just a collection. It can be any type for which an instance of Sequencer type-function is defined. This includes all standard Scala collections and tuples. See Sequencer for more details.

    Example usage:

    import RedisApi.Batches.StringTyped._
    // tuple of batches -> single batch of a tuple
    val tupleBatch: RedisBatch[(Opt[String],Long)] =
      RedisBatch.sequence(get("key1"), incr("key2"))
    // collection of batches -> single batch of a collection
    val seqBatch: RedisBatch[Seq[Opt[String]]] =
      RedisBatch.sequence((1 to 10).map(i => get(s"key$$i")))
    // collection of tuples of batches -> single batch of collection of tuples
    val tupleCollectionBatch: RedisBatch[Seq[(Opt[String], Long)]] =
      RedisBatch.sequence((1 to 10).map(i => (get(s"stringKey$$i"), incr(s"numberKey$$i"))))
  8. def success[A](a: A): RedisBatch[A]
  9. def traverse[M[X] <: TraversableOnce[X], A, B, That](coll: M[A])(opFun: (A) ⇒ RedisBatch[B])(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[M[A], B, That]): RedisBatch[That]
  10. final val unit: RedisBatch[Unit]
  11. object Index