
case class ClusterState(mapping: IndexedSeq[(SlotRange, RedisNodeClient)], masters: commons.BMap[NodeAddress, RedisNodeClient], nonClustered: commons.Opt[RedisNodeClient] = Opt.Empty) extends Product with Serializable

Current cluster state known by RedisClusterClient.


mapping between slot ranges and node clients that serve them, sorted by slot ranges


direct mapping between master addresses and node clients


non-empty if there's actually only one, non-clustered Redis node - see fallbackToSingleNode

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ClusterState
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Product
  5. Equals
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new ClusterState(mapping: IndexedSeq[(SlotRange, RedisNodeClient)], masters: commons.BMap[NodeAddress, RedisNodeClient], nonClustered: commons.Opt[RedisNodeClient] = Opt.Empty)


    mapping between slot ranges and node clients that serve them, sorted by slot ranges


    direct mapping between master addresses and node clients


    non-empty if there's actually only one, non-clustered Redis node - see fallbackToSingleNode

Value Members

  1. def clientForSlot(slot: Int): RedisNodeClient

    Obtains a RedisNodeClient that currently serves particular hash slot.

    Obtains a RedisNodeClient that currently serves particular hash slot. This is primarily used to execute WATCH-MULTI-EXEC transactions on a Redis Cluster deployment (RedisClusterClient cannot directly execute them). For example:

    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
    implicit val timeout: Timeout = 10.seconds
    val clusterClient = new RedisClusterClient
    import RedisApi.Batches.StringTyped._
    import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._
    // transactionally divide number stored under "key" by 3
    val transaction: RedisOp[Unit] = for {
      // this causes WATCH and GET to be sent in a single batch
      value <- watch("key") *> get("key").map(_.fold(0)(_.toInt))
      // this causes SET wrapped in a MULTI-EXEC block to be sent
      _ <- set("key", (value / 3).toString).transaction
    } yield ()
    val executedTransaction: Future[Unit] = { state =>

    However, be aware that when executing transactions on node clients obtained from ClusterState, you must manually handle cluster redirections and cluster state changes (NodeRemovedException)

  2. val mapping: IndexedSeq[(SlotRange, RedisNodeClient)]
  3. val masters: commons.BMap[NodeAddress, RedisNodeClient]
  4. val nonClustered: commons.Opt[RedisNodeClient]