package exception

Type Members

  1. class ClientStoppedException extends RedisException
  2. class ClusterInitializationException extends RedisException

    Thrown when RedisClusterClient is unable to fetch initial cluster state from any of the seed nodes.

    Thrown when RedisClusterClient is unable to fetch initial cluster state from any of the seed nodes. This happens e.g. when none of the seed nodes can be contacted or when they aren't Redis Cluster members.

  3. class ConnectionBusyException extends RedisIOException
  4. class ConnectionClosedException extends RedisIOException

    Command or operation is failed with this exception when it has been already sent through network but the connection was closed before receiving a response.

    Command or operation is failed with this exception when it has been already sent through network but the connection was closed before receiving a response. Even though connections are automatically restarted, such command cannot be resent because we don't know whether it was actually executed on the Redis instance or not. In a Redis Cluster deployment, this is likely to happen when a node fails.

  5. class ConnectionFailedException extends RedisIOException
  6. class ConnectionInitializationFailure extends RedisException
  7. class CrossSlotException extends RedisException

    Thrown when some multi-keyed command or MULTI-EXEC block executed by RedisClusterClient contains keys that hash to different slots.

  8. class ErrorReplyException extends RedisException

    Thrown when Redis server replies with an error.

  9. class ForbiddenCommandException extends RedisException

    Thrown when trying to execute command unsupported by particular client type.

    Thrown when trying to execute command unsupported by particular client type. For example, it's impossible to execute connection state changing commands like CLIENT SETNAME using a RedisNodeClient.

  10. class InvalidDataException extends RedisException

    Throw when response sent back by Redis server is corrupt according to Redis protocol.

  11. class NoKeysException extends RedisException

    Thrown when trying to execute command or MULTI-EXEC block that does not contain any keys using RedisClusterClient.

  12. class NodeInitializationFailure extends RedisException
  13. class NodeRemovedException extends RedisException

    Thrown when some command was queued for execution on a RedisNodeClient connected to one of the master nodes in Redis Cluster and RedisClusterClient detected that this node is no longer a master before the command could be sent to it.

  14. class OptimisticLockException extends RedisException

    Thrown when transactions fails due to one of watched keys having been modified by another client, i.e.

    Thrown when transactions fails due to one of watched keys having been modified by another client, i.e. when EXEC command in a WATCH-MULTI-EXEC transaction returns null bulk response.

  15. class RedisException extends RuntimeException
  16. class RedisIOException extends RedisException
  17. class TooManyConnectionsException extends RedisException

    Thrown when there is too many concurrent blocking commands being executed on a node client and blocking connection pool is exhausted.

  18. class TooManyRedirectionsException extends RedisException

    Thrown when too many consecutive cluster redirections occurred during execution of some command by RedisClusterClient.

    Thrown when too many consecutive cluster redirections occurred during execution of some command by RedisClusterClient. This might indicate a problem with configuration of Redis Cluster deployment itself.

    Maximum number of consecutive redirections is configured by ClusterConfig

  19. class UnexpectedReplyException extends RedisException

    Thrown when Redis server returns a reply unexpected by a decoder of a particular command.

  20. class UnmappedSlotException extends RedisException

    Throw when (according to current cluster state) some slot is not served by any master.

    Throw when (according to current cluster state) some slot is not served by any master. This most likely indicates problem with setup of the Redis Cluster deployment itself.

  21. class WriteFailedException extends RedisIOException

    Thrown when an I/O error occ