



final class CollectionBatch[A, C] extends RedisBatch[C] with RawCommandPacks

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CollectionBatch
  2. RawCommandPacks
  3. RedisBatch
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
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  1. Public
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Instance Constructors

  1. new CollectionBatch(batches: Traversable[RedisBatch[A]], builderCreator: () ⇒ Builder[A, C])

Value Members

  1. def *>[B](other: RedisBatch[B]): RedisBatch[B]

    Merges two batches into a single batch where result of the right-hand-side batch is returned while result of left-hand-side is discarded.

    Merges two batches into a single batch where result of the right-hand-side batch is returned while result of left-hand-side is discarded. Useful when left-hand-side returns Unit. NOTE: errors for left-hand-side are NOT discarded, use ignoreFailures on it if that's your intention.

    Definition Classes
  2. def <*[B](other: RedisBatch[B]): RedisBatch[C]

    Merges two batches into a single batch where result of the left-hand-side batch is returned while result of right-hand-side is discarded.

    Merges two batches into a single batch where result of the left-hand-side batch is returned while result of right-hand-side is discarded. Useful when right-hand-side returns Unit. NOTE: errors for right-hand-side are NOT discarded, use ignoreFailures on it if that's your intention.

    Definition Classes
  3. def <*>[B, C](other: RedisBatch[B])(f: (C, B) ⇒ C): RedisBatch[C]

    This is a symbolic alias for map2.

    This is a symbolic alias for map2. The symbol (along with *> and <*) is inspired by its Haskell equivalent.

    Definition Classes
  4. def asking: RedisBatch[C]

    Ensures that every keyed command in this batch is prepended with ASKING special command.

    Ensures that every keyed command in this batch is prepended with ASKING special command. This is necessary only when manually handling Redis Cluster redirections.

    Definition Classes
  5. def atomic: RedisBatch[C]

    Returns a batch which invokes the same commands as this batch but atomically.

    Returns a batch which invokes the same commands as this batch but atomically. If this batch is already atomic then it's returned unchanged. Otherwise, it's wrapped into a Redis transaction (MULTI-EXEC block). Empty batches, single-command batches and transactions are atomic by themselves and therefore are returned unchanged.

    Definition Classes
  6. def computeSize(limit: Int): Int
    Definition Classes
  7. def decodeReplies(replies: (Int) ⇒ RedisReply, index: Index, inTransaction: Boolean): C
    Definition Classes
  8. def emitCommandPacks(consumer: (RawCommandPack) ⇒ Unit): Unit
    Definition Classes
  9. final def encodedSize: Int
    Definition Classes
  10. def failed: RedisBatch[Throwable]
    Definition Classes
  11. final def foreachKey(consumer: (ByteString) ⇒ Unit): Unit
    Definition Classes
  12. def ignoreFailures: RedisBatch[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  13. def map[B](f: (C) ⇒ B): RedisBatch[B]
    Definition Classes
  14. def map2[B, C](other: RedisBatch[B])(f: (C, B) ⇒ C): RedisBatch[C]

    Merges two batches into one.

    Merges two batches into one. Provided function is applied on results of the batches being merged to obtain result of the merged batch. map2 is the fundamental primitive for composing multiple batches into one.

    Definition Classes
  15. def maxBlockingMillis: Int

    Maximum amount of time that these command packs may block on Redis side (like e.g.

    Maximum amount of time that these command packs may block on Redis side (like e.g. BLPOP). This method is overridden for RawCommand to return 0 and should be further overridden by each blocking command. Int.MaxValue should be returned for unlimited blocking.

    Definition Classes
  16. def operation: RedisOp[C]

    Transforms this batch into a RedisOp.

    Transforms this batch into a RedisOp.

    Definition Classes
  17. def rawCommandPacks: CollectionBatch[A, C]
    Definition Classes
  18. def recover[B >: C](f: PartialFunction[Throwable, B]): RedisBatch[B]
    Definition Classes
  19. final def requireLevel(minAllowed: Level, clientType: String): CollectionBatch.this.type
    Definition Classes
  20. def transaction: RedisBatch[C]

    Wraps this batch into a Redis transaction, i.e.

    Wraps this batch into a Redis transaction, i.e. ensures that it's executed inside a MULTI-EXEC block. NOTE: If you simply want to ensure atomicity, use atomic. NOTE: You can safely nest transactions, the driver will make sure that there are no nested MULTI-EXEC blocks on the wire.

    Definition Classes
  21. def transform[B](fun: (commons.Try[C]) ⇒ commons.Try[B]): RedisBatch[B]
    Definition Classes
  22. def tried: RedisBatch[commons.Try[C]]
    Definition Classes
  23. def zip[B](other: RedisBatch[B]): RedisBatch[(C, B)]
    Definition Classes