
class outOfOrder extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

To be used in conjunction with flatten. It can be applied on one or more of case class fields in a sealed hierarchy to instruct the auto-materialized GenCodec that this particular field may appear before _case field in the serialized format during reading.

@flatten sealed trait Base
case class FirstCase(@outOfOrder tag: String, int: Int) extends Base
case class SecondCase(dbl: Double) extends Base
object Base {
  implicit val codec: GenCodec[Base] = GenCodec.materialize[Base]

The following JSON (assuming this is the representation used) would correctly deserialize as FirstCase("someTag", 42):

{"tag": "someTag", "_case": "FirstCase", "int": 42}

Field annotated with @outOfOrder annotation doesn't have to be present in every case class, but if it is present, all case classes must annotate it and give it exactly the same type. The annotation may also be inherited, e.g.

@flatten sealed trait Base {
  @outOfOrder def tag: String
case class FirstCase(tag: String, int: Int) extends Base
case class SecondCase(tag: String, dbl: Double) extends Base

The direct motivation for this annotation was the ability to use flatten on MongoDB entities with an _id field. When reading entities from MongoDB, the _id field is always at the beginning of a BSON document and therefore GenCodec must be able to read it before it knows which case class of sealed hierarchy is being deserialized.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. outOfOrder
  2. StaticAnnotation
  3. Annotation
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new outOfOrder()