class generated extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation
May be used on members of objects, case classes or any types having companion object with case class
like apply
and unapply
methods in order to add additional, generated fields to data serialized by
auto-materialized GenCodec
case class User(id: Long, login: String) { @generated def upperLogin: String = login.toUpperCase } object User { implicit val codec: GenCodec[User] = GenCodec.materialize[User] }
This annotation may be applied on val
s, var
s and def
s. When applied on a def
, it must be either parameterless
(no parameter lists or empty parameter list) or accept only implicit parameters, provided that all the implicit values
are available in the scope where GenCodec
is materialized (implicit values will be "baked in" the codec).
NOTE: @generated
annotation may be defined on any level of inheritance hierarchy - it will be inherited
from implemented and overridden members.
Linear Supertypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- generated
- StaticAnnotation
- Annotation
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
- new generated()