
trait HashesApi extends ApiSubset

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. HashesApi
  2. ApiSubset
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type Field = RedisSerialization.Field
    Definition Classes
  2. type Key = RedisSerialization.Key
    Definition Classes
  3. type Record = RedisSerialization.Record
    Definition Classes
  4. abstract type Result[A]

    The type constructor into which a result of each command is wrapped.

    The type constructor into which a result of each command is wrapped. For example if Result is Future, then incr returns Future[Long].

    Definition Classes
  5. type Value = RedisSerialization.Value
    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def execute[A](command: RedisCommand[A]): Result[A]
    Definition Classes
  2. abstract val serialization: RedisSerialization
    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. def hdel(key: Key, fields: Iterable[Field]): Result[Int]

    Executes HDEL or simply returns 0 when fields is empty, without sending the command to Redis

  2. def hdel(key: Key, field: Field, fields: Field*): Result[Int]

    Executes HDEL

  3. def hdel(key: Key, field: Field): Result[Boolean]

    Executes HDEL

  4. def hexists(key: Key, field: Field): Result[Boolean]

    Executes HEXISTS

  5. def hget(key: Key, field: Field): Result[commons.Opt[Value]]

    Executes HGET

  6. def hgetall(key: Key): Result[commons.BMap[Field, Value]]

    Executes HGETALL

  7. def hgetallRecord(key: Key): Result[commons.Opt[Record]]

    Executes HGETALL

  8. def hincrby(key: Key, field: Field, increment: Long): Result[Long]

    Executes HINCRBY

  9. def hincrbyfloat(key: Key, field: Field, increment: Double): Result[Double]


  10. def hkeys(key: Key): Result[commons.BSet[Field]]

    Executes HKEYS

  11. def hlen(key: Key): Result[Long]

    Executes HLEN

  12. def hmget(key: Key, fields: Iterable[Field]): Result[Seq[commons.Opt[Value]]]

    Executes HMGET or simply returns empty Seq when fields is empty, without sending the command to Redis

  13. def hmget(key: Key, field: Field, fields: Field*): Result[Seq[commons.Opt[Value]]]

    Executes HMGET

  14. def hmset(key: Key, fieldValues: Iterable[(Field, Value)]): Result[Unit]

    Executes HMSET or does nothing when fieldValues is empty, without sending the command to Redis

  15. def hmset(key: Key, fieldValue: (Field, Value), fieldValues: (Field, Value)*): Result[Unit]

    Executes HMSET

  16. def hmsetRecord(key: Key, data: Record): Result[Unit]

    Executes HMSET or does nothing when data is empty, without sending the command to Redis

  17. def hscan(key: Key, cursor: Cursor, matchPattern: commons.OptArg[Field] = OptArg.Empty, count: commons.OptArg[Int] = OptArg.Empty): Result[(Cursor, Seq[(Field, Value)])]

    Executes HSCAN

  18. def hset(key: Key, fieldValues: Iterable[(Field, Value)]): Result[Int]

    Executes HSET or does nothing when fieldValues is empty, without sending the command to Redis

  19. def hset(key: Key, fieldValue: (Field, Value), fieldValues: (Field, Value)*): Result[Int]

    Executes HSET

  20. def hset(key: Key, field: Field, value: Value): Result[Boolean]

    Executes HSET

  21. def hsetRecord(key: Key, data: Record): Result[Int]

    Executes HSET or does nothing when data is empty, without sending the command to Redis

  22. def hsetnx(key: Key, field: Field, value: Value): Result[Boolean]

    Executes HSETNX

  23. def hstrlen(key: Key, field: Field): Result[Int]

    Executes HSTRLEN

  24. def hvals(key: Key): Result[Iterable[Value]]

    Executes HVALS