
trait GeoApi extends ApiSubset

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. GeoApi
  2. ApiSubset
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type Field = RedisSerialization.Field
    Definition Classes
  2. type Key = RedisSerialization.Key
    Definition Classes
  3. type Record = RedisSerialization.Record
    Definition Classes
  4. abstract type Result[A]

    The type constructor into which a result of each command is wrapped.

    The type constructor into which a result of each command is wrapped. For example if Result is Future, then incr returns Future[Long].

    Definition Classes
  5. type Value = RedisSerialization.Value
    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def execute[A](command: RedisCommand[A]): Result[A]
    Definition Classes
  2. abstract val serialization: RedisSerialization
    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. def geoadd(key: Key, items: Iterable[(Value, GeoPoint)]): Result[Int]

    Executes GEOADD or simply returns 0 when items is empty, without sending the command Redis

  2. def geoadd(key: Key, item: (Value, GeoPoint), items: (Value, GeoPoint)*): Result[Int]

    Executes GEOADD

  3. def geoadd(key: Key, member: Value, point: GeoPoint): Result[Boolean]

    Executes GEOADD

  4. def geodist(key: Key, member1: Value, member2: Value, unit: GeoUnit = GeoUnit.M): Result[commons.Opt[Double]]

    Executes GEODIST

  5. def geohash(key: Key, members: Iterable[Value]): Result[Seq[commons.Opt[GeoHash]]]

    Executes GEOHASH NOTE: members CAN be empty (Redis accepts it)

  6. def geohash(key: Key, members: Value*): Result[Seq[commons.Opt[GeoHash]]]

    Executes GEOHASH

  7. def geopos(key: Key, members: Iterable[Value]): Result[Seq[commons.Opt[GeoPoint]]]

    Executes GEOPOS NOTE: members CAN be empty (Redis accepts it)

  8. def geopos(key: Key, members: Value*): Result[Seq[commons.Opt[GeoPoint]]]

    Executes GEOPOS

  9. def georadius[A <: GeoradiusAttrs](key: Key, point: GeoPoint, radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, attributes: A = GeoradiusAttrs.None, count: commons.OptArg[Long] = OptArg.Empty, sortOrder: commons.OptArg[SortOrder] = OptArg.Empty, readOnly: Boolean = false): Result[Seq[georadius.A.Attributed[Value]]]

    Executes GEORADIUS

  10. def georadiusStore(key: Key, point: GeoPoint, radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, storeKey: Key, storeDist: Boolean = false, count: commons.OptArg[Long] = OptArg.Empty, sortOrder: commons.OptArg[SortOrder] = OptArg.Empty): Result[commons.Opt[Long]]

    Executes GEORADIUS

  11. def georadiusbymember[A <: GeoradiusAttrs](key: Key, member: Value, radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, attributes: A = GeoradiusAttrs.None, count: commons.OptArg[Long] = OptArg.Empty, sortOrder: commons.OptArg[SortOrder] = OptArg.Empty, readOnly: Boolean = false): Result[Seq[georadiusbymember.A.Attributed[Value]]]


  12. def georadiusbymemberStore(key: Key, member: Value, radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, storeKey: Key, storeDist: Boolean = false, count: commons.OptArg[Long] = OptArg.Empty, sortOrder: commons.OptArg[SortOrder] = OptArg.Empty): Result[commons.Opt[Long]]