Minimal socket implementation


Code related to this tutorial can be found under examples/custom-network/minimal in the Anjay source directory. Introduction

This tutorial builds up on the Enabling secure communication tutorial which contains an implementation of a minimal, but complete LwM2M client.

However, this tutorial is intended to be used with a version of Anjay that has been compiled without the default network layer implementation, i.e. with these additional CMake flags:



This new custom network layer implementation will be based on the POSIX socket APIs. This is not very useful in the real world, as the default implementation works fine in such environment. However, this tutorial is provided as a reference implementation simpler than the actual default one, to make it easier to base your code on it. Adjustments to the build system

The CMakeLists.txt file has been modified to accommodate for this custom network layer:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
project(minimal-custom-network C)


find_package(anjay REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE anjay)

Two changes has been made here:

  • The set(CMAKE_C_EXTENSIONS OFF) setting has been removed. This is because we will need to use POSIX APIs, which are considered extensions to the C standard and would not compile with this flag set.

  • The net_impl.c file has been added to the executable target. Note that the functions defined there will be called by Anjay or its dependent libraries, so, in a way, in addition to the normal dependency of the application on the library, the opposite is also true - parts of the library depends on the application as well.


The main.c is left completely unchanged compared to the Enabling secure communication version. In fact, in the repository, it is a symbolic link to the file from that tutorial. Global initialization

The APIs that need to be implemented are private, so there is no public header that can be included to provide forward declarations of them. Hence, we start with manually including the forward declarations, as quoted in the previous article:

avs_error_t _avs_net_initialize_global_compat_state(void);
void _avs_net_cleanup_global_compat_state(void);
avs_error_t _avs_net_create_tcp_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket,
                                       const void *socket_configuration);
avs_error_t _avs_net_create_udp_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket,
                                       const void *socket_configuration);

We actually won’t need any global state for our implementation, so implementing the _avs_net_{initialize,cleanup}_global_compat_state() functions is trivial:

avs_error_t _avs_net_initialize_global_compat_state(void) {
    return AVS_OK;

void _avs_net_cleanup_global_compat_state(void) {}

Global state may be useful on some platforms where using the network requires some global initialization. For example on Windows, this is the right place to call WSAStartup() and WSACleanup().

On embedded platforms, initialization of network interfaces might also go here, although typically this is done in the main function, before calling any of the Anjay APIs and the network layer implementation assumes that the interface has already been initialized. Socket creation

Some platforms that handle TCP and UDP communication with completely different APIs (Mbed OS being one such example), will require completely separate code to implement TCP and UDP communication - or you might choose to implement just one of them, and implement the other _avs_net_create_*_socket() function as a placeholder that always returns an error code.

With BSD-style socket API, however, it is actually trivial to support both TCP and UDP sockets, so we will do just that.

typedef struct {
    const avs_net_socket_v_table_t *operations;
    int socktype;
    int fd;
    avs_time_duration_t recv_timeout;
} net_socket_impl_t;

// ... implementations of NET_SOCKET_VTABLE functions go here
// ... they will be discussed separately later

static const avs_net_socket_v_table_t NET_SOCKET_VTABLE = {
    .connect = net_connect,
    .send = net_send,
    .receive = net_receive,
    .close = net_close,
    .cleanup = net_cleanup,
    .get_system_socket = net_system_socket,
    .get_opt = net_get_opt,
    .set_opt = net_set_opt

static avs_error_t
net_create_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket_ptr,
                  const avs_net_socket_configuration_t *configuration,
                  int socktype) {
    (void) configuration;
    net_socket_impl_t *socket =
            (net_socket_impl_t *) avs_calloc(1, sizeof(net_socket_impl_t));
    if (!socket) {
        return avs_errno(AVS_ENOMEM);
    socket->operations = &NET_SOCKET_VTABLE;
    socket->socktype = socktype;
    socket->fd = -1;
    socket->recv_timeout = avs_time_duration_from_scalar(30, AVS_TIME_S);
    *socket_ptr = (avs_net_socket_t *) socket;
    return AVS_OK;

avs_error_t _avs_net_create_udp_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket_ptr,
                                       const void *configuration) {
    return net_create_socket(
            socket_ptr, (const avs_net_socket_configuration_t *) configuration,

avs_error_t _avs_net_create_tcp_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket_ptr,
                                       const void *configuration) {
    return net_create_socket(
            socket_ptr, (const avs_net_socket_configuration_t *) configuration,

avs_commons uses an object-oriented paradigm for its socket layer. Any socket object needs to be created on the heap - it can be any user-defined structure, but its first member MUST be a pointer to the avs_net_socket_v_table_t structure. Functions from that structure will be called as implementations of all the socket operations.

Aside from this vtable pointer, this minimal implementation contains the following fields:

  • socktype - either SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_STREAM. The actual socket() call for creating the OS-level socket descriptor will be deferred until the connect operation. At that point we will need to know whether we need to create a UDP or TCP socket. This will also slightly alter the behavior of the receive method. Thus, we need to store the value, determined at socket creation time.

  • fd - the OS-level file descriptor referring to the actual socket.

  • recv_timeout - timeout for the receive operation. Anjay uses timed receive operation extensively, to provide appropriate retransmission and timeout behavior on higher layers, as required by the CoAP and LwM2M protocols. This timeout is controlled by get_opt and set_opt operations, so it needs to be stored between method calls.

The actual _avs_net_create_udp_socket() and _avs_net_create_tcp_socket() functions are implemented as thin wrappers to the static net_create_socket function, which allocates the socket object, initializes vtable and socktype fields, as well as sets fd to -1 (signifying no OS-level socket descriptor initialized yet) and initial recv_timeout to 30 seconds. Implementing socket methods Connect

static avs_error_t
net_connect(avs_net_socket_t *sock_, const char *host, const char *port) {
    net_socket_impl_t *sock = (net_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    struct addrinfo hints = {
        .ai_socktype = sock->socktype
    if (sock->fd >= 0) {
        getsockopt(sock->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DOMAIN, &hints.ai_family,
                   &(socklen_t) { sizeof(hints.ai_family) });
    struct addrinfo *addr = NULL;
    avs_error_t err = AVS_OK;
    if (getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &addr) || !addr) {
        err = avs_errno(AVS_EADDRNOTAVAIL);
    } else if (sock->fd < 0
               && (sock->fd = socket(addr->ai_family, addr->ai_socktype,
                          < 0) {
        err = avs_errno(AVS_UNKNOWN_ERROR);
    } else if (connect(sock->fd, addr->ai_addr, addr->ai_addrlen)) {
        err = avs_errno(AVS_ECONNREFUSED);
    return err;

In each of the vtable methods, the first avs_net_socket_t * argument is the “self” pointer. It is intended to be cast to the actual type that has been allocated for the socket.

To call the POSIX connect() function, we need a socket address formatted as some structure from the struct sockaddr family. avs_commons use strings for representing TCP/IP endpoint information - host can be either a stringified IP address or a hostname, while port is a stringified port number. This is designed to match the API of the POSIX getaddrinfo() function - as such, it is natural to use it in our implementation.

In the hints structure, we fill the ai_socktype with the type stored at socket creation time - either SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_STREAM. If the socket file descriptor has already been created, we also fill ai_family with the socket family (most likely AF_INET or AF_INET6).

If getaddrinfo() fails, we return the avs_errno(AVS_EADDRNOTAVAIL) error code.

Then, we create the socket descriptor if needed, and connect() it - returning the avs_errno(AVS_ECONNREFUSED) error code if necessary.


For more complete error handling, you can use avs_map_errno(errno) function, declared in avs_errno_map.h, to translate and forward the actual errno values to the caller. This tutorial uses hardcoded error codes for simplicity.


This simplistic code does not implement some features that might be useful:

  • You might want to try connecting to subsequent addresses from the addr list if the first one fails - especially for TCP. Such issues may happen e.g. when the system has incomplete IPv6 connectivity.

  • You might want to implement connecting logic in a more sophisticated way, e.g. by putting the socket in non-blocking mode and using poll() after connect(), to implement better-defined timeout handling when connecting - especially for TCP. Send

The send() implementation is self-explanatory:

static avs_error_t
net_send(avs_net_socket_t *sock_, const void *buffer, size_t buffer_length) {
    net_socket_impl_t *sock = (net_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    ssize_t written = send(sock->fd, buffer, buffer_length, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
    if (written >= 0 && (size_t) written == buffer_length) {
        return AVS_OK;
    return avs_errno(AVS_EIO);


This implementation may behave erroneously for TCP. The POSIX API for stream-oriented sockets permits so-called “short writes”, i.e. the case where send() writes less data than passed to it is treated as success. The avs_commons API does not - so a proper implementation of this method for TCP shall call underlying send() function in a loop until either all data is sent, or an error occurs.


For more completeness, you might want to e.g. call poll() for the POLLOUT event, to implement better-defined timeout handling when sending. Receive

static avs_error_t net_receive(avs_net_socket_t *sock_,
                               size_t *out_bytes_received,
                               void *buffer,
                               size_t buffer_length) {
    net_socket_impl_t *sock = (net_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    struct pollfd pfd = {
        .fd = sock->fd,
        .events = POLLIN
    int64_t timeout_ms;
    if (avs_time_duration_to_scalar(&timeout_ms, AVS_TIME_MS,
                                    sock->recv_timeout)) {
        timeout_ms = -1;
    } else if (timeout_ms < 0) {
        timeout_ms = 0;
    if (poll(&pfd, 1, (int) timeout_ms) == 0) {
        return avs_errno(AVS_ETIMEDOUT);
    ssize_t bytes_received = read(sock->fd, buffer, buffer_length);
    if (bytes_received < 0) {
        return avs_errno(AVS_EIO);
    *out_bytes_received = (size_t) bytes_received;
    if (buffer_length > 0 && sock->socktype == SOCK_DGRAM
            && (size_t) bytes_received == buffer_length) {
        return avs_errno(AVS_EMSGSIZE);
    return AVS_OK;

Implementation of the receive method is a bit more complicated than that of the send method, because proper receive timeout handling is essential for Anjay.

That’s why poll() with a single socket, waiting for the POLLIN event is called before actually calling read(). To call poll(), the configured receive timeout, stored as avs_time_duration_t, needs to be converted to the unit expected by poll() - this is done using avs_time_duration_to_scalar(), with additional adjustments to ensure expected behavior.

If a timeout occurs, avs_errno(AVS_ETIMEDOUT) is returned; if either some data is available or an error occurs, read() is called - in case of error it will return a negative value, which in this implementation is handled by returning avs_errno(AVS_EIO), but could be more completely handled by actually translating the errno value.

If some data has been successfully received, *out_bytes_received shall be filled with the number of bytes received.

For datagram sockets, it is additionally important to handle the truncated message case - so that e.g. the CoAP layer can determine whether the received payload is complete. Unfortunately, it is non-trivial to do so when using the read() function - that’s why in this simplistic implementation we pessimistically assume that if the buffer is fully filled, then the data might have been truncated. Proper handling of this case can be achieved by using the MSG_TRUNC flag, which has not been used because it’s Linux-specific, or by using the recvmsg() API, which has not been done here because the more convoluted API of that function would make this example code more difficult to follow.


*out_bytes_received shall be set for both success and avs_errno(AVS_EMSGSIZE) cases. Close

static avs_error_t net_close(avs_net_socket_t *sock_) {
    net_socket_impl_t *sock = (net_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    avs_error_t err = AVS_OK;
    if (sock->fd >= 0) {
        if (close(sock->fd)) {
            err = avs_errno(AVS_EIO);
        sock->fd = -1;
    return err;

This function is pretty self-explanatory - but please note that unlike the POSIX close() function, the close operation on avs_commons sockets does not remove the socket object. This is why the cleanup operation exists. Cleanup

static avs_error_t net_cleanup(avs_net_socket_t **sock_ptr) {
    avs_error_t err = AVS_OK;
    if (sock_ptr && *sock_ptr) {
        err = net_close(*sock_ptr);
        *sock_ptr = NULL;
    return err;

The cleanup operation is also self-explanatory, although please note that there is no requirement to call the close operation before it - that’s why it is called from inside this function here. Get system socket

static const void *net_system_socket(avs_net_socket_t *sock_) {
    net_socket_impl_t *sock = (net_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    return &sock->fd;

This function is only called by Anjay from anjay_event_loop_run() and anjay_serve_any() - but these functions will generally not be available when Anjay is configured to use custom socket implementation. However, the “system socket” operation is necessary to implement the Custom event loop as well.

On platforms that use POSIX-style file descriptor numbers, the standard practice is to return a pointer to such file descriptor variable. However, the only actual requirement is that the usage matches the implementation - so you can return a pointer to any kind of object that you will be able to use to poll for incoming events in the event loop. Get/set socket options

static avs_error_t net_get_opt(avs_net_socket_t *sock_,
                               avs_net_socket_opt_key_t option_key,
                               avs_net_socket_opt_value_t *out_option_value) {
    net_socket_impl_t *sock = (net_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    switch (option_key) {
        out_option_value->recv_timeout = sock->recv_timeout;
        return AVS_OK;
        if (sock->fd < 0) {
            out_option_value->state = AVS_NET_SOCKET_STATE_CLOSED;
        } else {
            out_option_value->state = AVS_NET_SOCKET_STATE_CONNECTED;
        return AVS_OK;
        out_option_value->mtu = 1464;
        return AVS_OK;
        out_option_value->flag = false;
        return AVS_OK;
        return avs_errno(AVS_ENOTSUP);

static avs_error_t net_set_opt(avs_net_socket_t *sock_,
                               avs_net_socket_opt_key_t option_key,
                               avs_net_socket_opt_value_t option_value) {
    net_socket_impl_t *sock = (net_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    switch (option_key) {
        sock->recv_timeout = option_value.recv_timeout;
        return AVS_OK;
        return avs_errno(AVS_ENOTSUP);

The get_opt/set_opt interface is used for querying and setting various state information about a given socket. The options that can be get or set are listed in the avs_net_socket_opt_key_t enumeration. Option values are passed or returned using the avs_net_socket_opt_value_t union. See the nearby documentation if you need clarification on which field is used to pass values for which option.

Three of there options are essential for the operation of Anjay:

  • AVS_NET_SOCKET_OPT_RECV_TIMEOUT - used for getting and setting the current receive timeout, as used by the Receive operation.

  • AVS_NET_SOCKET_OPT_STATE (get-only) - used to check in which state (closed, shut down, bound, accepted or connected) the socket currently is.

  • AVS_NET_SOCKET_OPT_INNER_MTU (get-only; only used for UDP) - used to check the number of bytes that can be safely sent and received in a single UDP datagram over the given socket.

  • AVS_NET_SOCKET_HAS_BUFFERED_DATA (get-only; optional but highly recommended) - used to check whether all data received from the underlying system socket has been processed. This is used to make sure that when control is returned to the event loop, the poll() call will not stall waiting for new data that in reality has been already buffered and could be retrieved using the avs_commons APIs. This is usually meaningful for (D)TLS connections, but for almost all simple unencrypted socket implementations, this should always return false. If this option is not supported, then the library will always retry receiving data until a timeout condition occurs (timeout is set to zero for subsequent retries), which may lead to stalling of the event loop.


The AVS_NET_SOCKET_OPT_INNER_MTU option will be used in addition to buffer sizes to e.g. calculate the maximum size of packets for Block-wise CoAP transfers. This is why it is essential to provide this value. If querying this information from the actual connection or network interface is not possible, a hardcoded estimate like the one above should be OK. Limitations

This minimal implementation is enough to make Anjay run, but a number of functionalities will not work:

  • Attempt to set anjay_configuration_t::udp_listen_port will result in no connectivity, as the bind operation is not supported.

  • Local port will not be preserved between subsequent connections to the same server.

  • CoAP message cache will not work, regardless of value of the anjay_configuration_t::msg_cache_size setting.

  • Suspending CoAP downloads when entering offline mode will not work; downloads will be aborted instead.

  • anjay_get_tx_bytes() and anjay_get_rx_bytes() APIs will not work.

  • WITHOUT_IP_STICKINESS compile-time flag cannot be disabled, which means that when connecting to a server using a domain name, it is not guaranteed that subsequent connections will use the same IP address.

We will discuss implementing additional methods to address these limitations in subsequent chapters.