8.3. Networking API

8.3.1. Reference implementations

avs_net includes a full-featured, complete implementation of its networking API that is designed to work on systems that implement BSD-style socket API (either directly, or some close variant of it, such as lwIP or Winsock). It can be found in the src/net/compat/posix directory of its repository.

However, that implementation is very complex, as it includes a lot of functionality that is not strictly necessary for Anjay to work (and some that is not used by Anjay at all), alternate variants of code for compatibility with different systems, extensive error handling etc.

For this reason, we also include tutorial code with minimal, compact implementation of the networking API:

8.3.2. List of functions to implement


If LwIP 2.0 is used as a network stack, you may set:



  • -DPOSIX_COMPAT_HEADER=deps/avs_commons/compat/lwip-posix-compat.h

CMake options for an out-of-the-box socket compatibility layer implementation.

If POSIX socket API is not available:

  • Use WITH_POSIX_AVS_SOCKET=OFF when running CMake on Anjay,

  • Provide an implementation for:

    • _avs_net_create_udp_socket - a function with following signature:

      avs_error_t _avs_net_create_udp_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket,
                                             const void *socket_configuration);

      socket_configuration argument is a pointer to const avs_net_socket_configuration_t struct cast to void *.

      The function should return AVS_OK on success and an error code on error. It should create a socket object, and return its pointer cast to avs_net_socket_t * through the *socket argument. The socket object should be a struct, whose first field is avs_net_socket_v_table_t * filled with pointers to method handlers.

      Minimal set of socket methods that have to be implemented:

      • cleanup

      • close

      • connect

      • send

      • receive

      • get_system_socket

      • get_opt able to read following options:




      • set_opt able to set the AVS_NET_SOCKET_OPT_RECV_TIMEOUT option

      Additional functions that are not strictly necessary to run Anjay, but are used by some of the optional functionality

      • bind - allows binding to a specific statically configured port; also used to keep the bound port stable if possible

      • get_local_port - used to keep the bound port stable if possible

      • get_remote_host - required for CoAP message cache to work

      • get_remote_port - required for CoAP message cache to work

      • shutdown - required for ability to suspend CoAP downloads

    • _avs_net_create_tcp_socket - only required if the fw_update module should support HTTP/HTTPS transfers, or if support for CoAP over TCP is desired. Otherwise, it can be safely implemented as return avs_errno(AVS_ENOTSUP);.

      Function signature:

      avs_error_t _avs_net_create_tcp_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket,
                                             const void *socket_configuration);

      socket_configuration argument is a pointer to const avs_net_socket_configuration_t struct cast to void *.

      The function should return AVS_OK on success and an error code on error. It should create a socket object, and return its pointer cast to avs_net_socket_t * through the *socket argument. The socket object should be a struct, whose first field is avs_net_socket_v_table_t * filled with pointers to method handlers.

      The same set of socket methods is required as is the case with UDP.

    • _avs_net_initialize_global_compat_state - a function with following signature:

      avs_error_t _avs_net_initialize_global_compat_state(void);

      The function should return AVS_OK on success and an error code on error. It should initialize any global state that needs to be kept by the network stack. If there is no such global state or it is initialized elsewhere, it is safe to implement this function as a no-op (return AVS_OK;).

    • _avs_net_cleanup_global_compat_state - a function with following signature:

      void _avs_net_cleanup_global_compat_state(void);

      The function should clean up any global state that is kept by the network stack. If there is no such global state or it is managed elsewhere, it is safe to implement this function as a no-op.

    • avs_net_resolved_endpoint_get_host_port - a function declared in avs_addrinfo.h with the following signature:

      avs_net_resolved_endpoint_get_host_port(const avs_net_resolved_endpoint_t *endp,
                                              char *host,
                                              size_t hostlen,
                                              char *serv,
                                              size_t servlen);

      This function is used by the procedure that keeps the remote IP address stable when the connection URL uses a domain name as the host identifier.

      This functionality can be disabled at compile time by enabling the WITHOUT_IP_STICKINESS CMake option (-DWITHOUT_IP_STICKINESS=OFF), in which case the library will no longer depend on this function.


Anjay may attempt to call socket methods other than listed above, even though they are not essential for correct operation of the application. Make sure that all members of avs_net_socket_v_table_t are not NULL - if required, provide a stub that always fails.


For signatures and detailed description of listed methods, see avs_net.h