Introductory stub


Code related to this tutorial can be found under examples/custom-tls/stub in the Anjay source directory. Introduction

This article describes a stub with no actual functionality, but contains the necessary boilerplate that all the following tutorials will be based on.

The example code for this tutorial is an extension of the one built in the IP address stickiness support article. This has been chosen as a base because it contains all the features of a custom networking layer. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Networking API tutorials before implementing a custom TLS layer, but intricate knowledge of all the features of the networking layer is not necessary.

Compared to the networking API tutorials, this one is intended to be used with a version of Anjay that has been compiled without the default TLS layer implementation, i.e. with this additional CMake flag:


Additionally, support for HTTP downloads will be used in later tutorials. When the examples are built as part of Anjay’s make examples target, this feature is enabled for all the custom-tls subprojects with yet another CMake flag:



This new custom network layer implementation will be based on OpenSSL 1.1.1. This is not very useful in the real world, as there is a default implementation provided for the OpenSSL library. However, this tutorial is provided as a reference implementation simpler than the actual default one, to make it easier to base your code on it. Adjustments to the build system

The CMakeLists.txt file has been modified to accommodate for this custom TLS implementation:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4)
project(custom-tls-stub C)


find_package(anjay REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE anjay OpenSSL::SSL)

Some minor changes have been made here:

  • The project is linked with the OpenSSL library by calling find_package and adding OpenSSL::SSL to target_link_libraries.

  • Minimum required CMake version has been raised to 3.4 as that is the first version in which the new-style OpenSSL::SSL target is provided.

  • The tls_impl.c file has been added to the executable target. Just like with the custom network layer, the functions defined there will be called by Anjay or its dependent libraries.


The main.c and net_impl.c files are left completely unchanged compared to the IP address stickiness support version. In fact, in the repository, they are symbolic links to the files from that tutorial.

While we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the code in those files, it is not really relevant to this article. It is an example code that establishes a basic connection with a LwM2M server and implements a simple but full-featured networking layer. Global initialization

Just like with the network layer, the APIs that need to be implemented are private, so we also start with manually including the forward declarations, as quoted in the previous article:

avs_error_t _avs_net_initialize_global_ssl_state(void);
void _avs_net_cleanup_global_ssl_state(void);
avs_error_t _avs_net_create_ssl_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket,
                                       const void *socket_configuration);
avs_error_t _avs_net_create_dtls_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket,
                                        const void *socket_configuration);

The OpenSSL library needs global initialization, so OPENSSL_init_ssl function is called in _avs_net_initialize_global_ssl_state(). There is no need for any explicit cleanup, so the _avs_net_cleanup_global_ssl_state() function can be left empty:

avs_error_t _avs_net_initialize_global_ssl_state(void) {
                                  | OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_DIGESTS,
                          NULL)) {
        return avs_errno(AVS_EPROTO);
    return AVS_OK;

void _avs_net_cleanup_global_ssl_state(void) {} TLS socket structure stub

In The TLS socket object, the following information will need to be kept:

  • The “backend socket”, the underlying unencrypted socket. We will use the previously implemented avs_net socket for that purpose, so that as many features as possible can be simply forwarded.

  • The SSL_CTX object that contains the state that OpenSSL intends to be reused between similar connections.

  • The SSL object that contains the per-connection OpenSSL state.

The way TLS-related APIs are designed in Anjay makes it impossible to share an SSL_CTX object between multiple connections, so both of the above need to be present for each connection.

typedef struct {
    const avs_net_socket_v_table_t *operations;
    avs_net_socket_t *backend_socket;
    SSL_CTX *ctx;
    SSL *ssl;
} tls_socket_impl_t; Implementing socket methods Forwarded functions

Most of the auxiliary functions not related to actual data transmission or handshakes, can just forward the calls to the underlying backend socket:

static avs_error_t
tls_bind(avs_net_socket_t *sock_, const char *address, const char *port) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    return avs_net_socket_bind(sock->backend_socket, address, port);

static avs_error_t tls_close(avs_net_socket_t *sock_) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    if (sock->ssl) {
        sock->ssl = NULL;
    return avs_net_socket_close(sock->backend_socket);

static avs_error_t tls_shutdown(avs_net_socket_t *sock_) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    return avs_net_socket_shutdown(sock->backend_socket);

static avs_error_t tls_cleanup(avs_net_socket_t **sock_ptr) {
    return avs_errno(AVS_ENOTSUP);

static const void *tls_system_socket(avs_net_socket_t *sock_) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    return avs_net_socket_get_system(sock->backend_socket);

static avs_error_t tls_remote_host(avs_net_socket_t *sock_,
                                   char *out_buffer,
                                   size_t out_buffer_size) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    return avs_net_socket_get_remote_host(sock->backend_socket, out_buffer,

static avs_error_t tls_remote_hostname(avs_net_socket_t *sock_,
                                       char *out_buffer,
                                       size_t out_buffer_size) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    return avs_net_socket_get_remote_hostname(sock->backend_socket, out_buffer,

static avs_error_t tls_remote_port(avs_net_socket_t *sock_,
                                   char *out_buffer,
                                   size_t out_buffer_size) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    return avs_net_socket_get_remote_port(sock->backend_socket, out_buffer,

static avs_error_t tls_local_port(avs_net_socket_t *sock_,
                                  char *out_buffer,
                                  size_t out_buffer_size) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    return avs_net_socket_get_local_port(sock->backend_socket, out_buffer,

static avs_error_t tls_get_opt(avs_net_socket_t *sock_,
                               avs_net_socket_opt_key_t option_key,
                               avs_net_socket_opt_value_t *out_option_value) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    return avs_net_socket_get_opt(sock->backend_socket, option_key,

static avs_error_t tls_set_opt(avs_net_socket_t *sock_,
                               avs_net_socket_opt_key_t option_key,
                               avs_net_socket_opt_value_t option_value) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    return avs_net_socket_set_opt(sock->backend_socket, option_key,

The tls_close function additionally frees the SSL object, as OpenSSL documentation recommends creating new one for each connection - see SSL_clear for details. Connect method stub

The connect method is supposed to perform the TLS handshake, but this is beyond the scope of this boilerplate stub. However, let’s extract a separate function that will be used for this purpose:

static avs_error_t perform_handshake(tls_socket_impl_t *sock,
                                     const char *host) {
    return avs_errno(AVS_ENOTSUP);

static avs_error_t
tls_connect(avs_net_socket_t *sock_, const char *host, const char *port) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    avs_error_t err;
    if (avs_is_err((
                err = avs_net_socket_connect(sock->backend_socket, host, port)))
            || avs_is_err((err = perform_handshake(sock, host)))) {
        if (sock->ssl) {
            sock->ssl = NULL;
    return err;
} Send method

The send method is very similar to the one in the unencrypted socket implementation, but using SSL_write instead of send:

static avs_error_t
tls_send(avs_net_socket_t *sock_, const void *buffer, size_t buffer_length) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    int result = SSL_write(sock->ssl, buffer, (int) buffer_length);
    if (result < 0 || (size_t) result < buffer_length) {
        return avs_errno(AVS_EPROTO);
    return AVS_OK;
} Receive method

The receive method is also very similar to the one in the unencrypted socket implementation. However, as we do not have direct access to the file descriptor and the configured receive timeout, we need to extract them from the backend socket before actually calling poll().

These additional operations may be unnecessary if we implemented the TLS socket so that OpenSSL would actually call the underlying unencrypted socket. However, in this tutorial, the default BIO implementations from OpenSSL will be used for simplicity.

static avs_error_t tls_receive(avs_net_socket_t *sock_,
                               size_t *out_bytes_received,
                               void *buffer,
                               size_t buffer_length) {
    tls_socket_impl_t *sock = (tls_socket_impl_t *) sock_;
    const void *fd_ptr = avs_net_socket_get_system(sock->backend_socket);
    avs_net_socket_opt_value_t timeout;
    if (!fd_ptr
            || avs_is_err(avs_net_socket_get_opt(
                       sock->backend_socket, AVS_NET_SOCKET_OPT_RECV_TIMEOUT,
                       &timeout))) {
        return avs_errno(AVS_EBADF);
    struct pollfd pfd = {
        .fd = *(const int *) fd_ptr,
        .events = POLLIN
    int64_t timeout_ms;
    if (avs_time_duration_to_scalar(&timeout_ms, AVS_TIME_MS,
                                    timeout.recv_timeout)) {
        timeout_ms = -1;
    } else if (timeout_ms < 0) {
        timeout_ms = 0;
    if (poll(&pfd, 1, (int) timeout_ms) == 0) {
        return avs_errno(AVS_ETIMEDOUT);
    int bytes_received = SSL_read(sock->ssl, buffer, (int) buffer_length);
    if (bytes_received < 0) {
        return avs_errno(AVS_EPROTO);
    *out_bytes_received = (size_t) bytes_received;
    if (buffer_length > 0 && (size_t) bytes_received == buffer_length) {
        return avs_errno(AVS_EMSGSIZE);
    return AVS_OK;
} Virtual method table and constructor function stubs

With all the methods implemented or stubbed, we are ready to declare the virtual method table. However, actual socket creation will be described in the next tutorial:

static const avs_net_socket_v_table_t TLS_SOCKET_VTABLE = {
    .connect = tls_connect,
    .send = tls_send,
    .receive = tls_receive,
    .bind = tls_bind,
    .close = tls_close,
    .shutdown = tls_shutdown,
    .cleanup = tls_cleanup,
    .get_system_socket = tls_system_socket,
    .get_remote_host = tls_remote_host,
    .get_remote_hostname = tls_remote_hostname,
    .get_remote_port = tls_remote_port,
    .get_local_port = tls_local_port,
    .get_opt = tls_get_opt,
    .set_opt = tls_set_opt

avs_error_t _avs_net_create_dtls_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket_ptr,
                                        const void *configuration) {
    return avs_errno(AVS_ENOTSUP);

avs_error_t _avs_net_create_ssl_socket(avs_net_socket_t **socket_ptr,
                                       const void *configuration) {
    return avs_errno(AVS_ENOTSUP);