11.10. Bootstrapper and SIM bootstrap
11.10.1. General description
The LwM2M specification defines Bootstrap from Smartcard, a mode of bootstrapping the device where the initial Bootstrap Information is stored on a smart card - typically the SIM card in case of devices that use cellular connectivity.
Standard file formats for this bootstrap information and related metadata are defined in Appendix G, of the LwM2M Technical Specification, and specifications for the secure channel between Smartcard and LwM2M Device Storage in Appendix H thereof.
The “bootstrapper” feature, available as a commercial extension to the Anjay library, includes two modules that aid in implementing this part of the specification:
implements a parser for the file format described in section G.3.4 of the Appendix G mentioned abovesim_bootstrap
implements the flow of ISO/IEC 7816-4 commands necessary to retrieve the aforementioned file
With the above features in place, all that’s left to implement is actual
communication with the smart card, typically sending and receiving AT+CSIM
commands to a cellular modem.
Bootstrapping from smart card has a number of advantages, including:
Ability to store bootstrap information securely, increasing the device’s resilience against tampering
Possibility to remotely update bootstrap information using cellular infrastructure, without the need for a full firmware upgrade
For devices controlled by cellular carriers - ability to control the bootstrap information without contacting the device manufacturer
11.10.2. Technical documentation Enabling the bootstrapper module
If the bootstrapper feature is available in your version of Anjay, it can be
enabled at compile time by enabling the ANJAY_WITH_MODULE_BOOTSTRAPPER
in the anjay_config.h
file or, if using CMake, enabling the corresponding
CMake option.
When this feature is enabled, the anjay_bootstrapper() function can
be used. The user will need to provide an implementation of avs_stream_t
that allows the Anjay code to read the file contained on the smartcard. The
function from the avs_stream_simple_io.h
header is likely to be the easiest way to provide such an implementation, aside
from using the SIM bootstrap module described below. Enabling and configuring the sim_bootstrap module
Similarly, to enable the sim_bootstrap module, you can enable the
macro in the anjay_config.h
file or, if
using CMake, enable the corresponding WITH_MODULE_sim_bootstrap
option. This requires that the bootstrapper feature is also enabled.
By default, the module will access the PKCS#15 application directory file and search it for the EF(DODF-bootstrap) file in a way that is compliant with LwM2M TS Appendix G mentioned above.
However, you can override the OID of the file to look for, by defining the
macro in anjay_config.h
or setting the corresponding MODULE_sim_bootstrap_DATA_OID_OVERRIDE_HEX
CMake option. It shall be set to a string containing hexlified DER
representation of the desired OID. The default, standards-compliant value is
(which corresponds to OID, but you may need to
change it to a different value, for example some cards are known to use a
mistakenly encoded value of "0604672b0901"
Alternatively, you might define the
macro (or set the
CMake option) to bypass the directory
search entirely and set a hardcoded file ID, e.g. 0x6432
Once the module is enabled and configured, you can use the
anjay_sim_bootstrap_stream_create() function to
create an input stream suitable for passing to anjay_bootstrapper()
. In the
simplest case, you can also use the anjay_sim_bootstrap_perform() function
that combines both calls and automatically closes the stream as well. Bootstrap information generator tool
The generator.py
application, located in the bootstrap
directory of
Anjay source package, allows generating binary files in the EF LwM2M_Bootstrap
format that is supposed to be stored on smart cards, from a human-readable text
file format.
The generator.py
script, by default, processes the standard input and
outputs to the standard output. However, an input file may be specified using
the -c option, and the output file may be specified using the -o
The generator script is NOT intended to be safe to use with arbitrary input data. It is only intended for convenience when working with files created locally by trusted parties.
The input text files are evaluated as Python code, and as such, running the generator script with untrusted input may lead to arbitrary operations being performed on the computer.
The input file shall specify a dictionary according to Python syntax where:
On the top level, the keys shall be Object IDs, and the values shall be nested dictionaries describing the objects.
On the Object level, the keys shall be Instance IDs, and the values shall be nested dictionaries describing the instances.
On the Object Instance level, the keys shall be Resource IDs, and the values shall be either of:
Primitive types (numbers, booleans, strings or
objects) for single-instance resourcesLists of pairs (tuples of length 2) for Multiple-Instance Resources - in that case the first pair element shall be the Resource Instance ID, and the second one shall be the value of a primitive type
The constants from the OID
and RID
objects, as defined in the
file, may be used to make the keys more descriptive, as in the example input
file (bootstrap/configs/basic
OID.Security: {
1: {
RID.Security.ServerURI : 'coaps://eu.iot.avsystem.cloud:5684',
RID.Security.Bootstrap : False,
RID.Security.Mode : 0, # PSK
RID.Security.PKOrIdentity : b'example-psk-identity',
RID.Security.SecretKey : b'3x@mpl3P5K53cr3tK3y',
RID.Security.ShortServerID : 1
OID.Server: {
1: {
RID.Server.ShortServerID : 1,
RID.Server.Lifetime : 86400,
RID.Server.NotificationStoring : False,
RID.Server.Binding : 'U'
The above example is equivalent to the following data written only using primitive values:
0: {
1: {
0: 'coaps://eu.iot.avsystem.cloud:5684',
1: False,
2: 0,
3: b'example-psk-identity',
5: b'3x@mpl3P5K53cr3tK3y',
10: 1
1: {
1: {
0: 1,
1: 86400,
6: False,
7: 'U'
The following example shell session illustrates the way of generating the binary bootstrap information file:
~/projects/anjay/bootstrap$ ./generator.py -c configs/basic -o basic_config.dat
~/projects/anjay/bootstrap$ hexdump -C basic_config.dat
00000000 00 02 00 7a 00 00 00 00 5e 08 01 5b c8 00 22 63 |...z....^..[.."c|
00000010 6f 61 70 73 3a 2f 2f 65 75 2e 69 6f 74 2e 61 76 |oaps://eu.iot.av|
00000020 73 79 73 74 65 6d 2e 63 6c 6f 75 64 3a 35 36 38 |system.cloud:568|
00000030 34 c1 01 00 c1 02 00 c8 03 14 65 78 61 6d 70 6c |4.........exampl|
00000040 65 2d 70 73 6b 2d 69 64 65 6e 74 69 74 79 c8 05 |e-psk-identity..|
00000050 13 33 78 40 6d 70 6c 33 50 35 4b 35 33 63 72 33 |.3x@mpl3P5K53cr3|
00000060 74 4b 33 79 c1 0a 01 00 01 00 00 12 08 01 0f c1 |tK3y............|
00000070 00 01 c4 01 00 01 51 80 c1 06 00 c1 07 55 |......Q......U|
0000007e Example code
The full code for the following example can be found in the
directory in Anjay
sources. Note that to compile and run it, you need to have access to a
commercial version of Anjay that includes the bootstrapper feature.
The example is loosely based on the Installing mandatory Objects
tutorial, and additionally borrows much of the modem communication code from
Non-IP Data Delivery. Since the bootstrap information will be loaded from a smart
card, the setup_security_object()
and setup_server_object()
are no longer necessary, and the calls to them can be replaced with direct calls
to anjay_security_object_install() and
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 3) {
avs_log(tutorial, ERROR, "usage: %s ENDPOINT_NAME MODEM_PATH", argv[0]);
return -1;
const anjay_configuration_t CONFIG = {
.endpoint_name = argv[1],
.in_buffer_size = 4000,
.out_buffer_size = 4000,
.msg_cache_size = 4000
anjay_t *anjay = anjay_new(&CONFIG);
if (!anjay) {
avs_log(tutorial, ERROR, "Could not create Anjay object");
return -1;
int result = 0;
// Setup necessary objects
if (anjay_security_object_install(anjay)
|| anjay_server_object_install(anjay)) {
result = -1;
if (!result) {
result = bootstrap_from_sim(anjay, argv[2]);
if (!result) {
result = anjay_event_loop_run(
anjay, avs_time_duration_from_scalar(1, AVS_TIME_S));
return result;
As you can see, the command line now expects a second argument with a name of the file containing the bootstrap information.
This file is loaded using the bootstrap_from_sim()
function, implemented as
typedef struct {
avs_buffer_t *buffer;
} fifo_t;
// ...
typedef struct {
fifo_t fifo;
int pts_fd;
} modem_ctx_t;
// ...
static int sim_perform_command(void *modem_ctx_,
const void *cmd,
size_t cmd_length,
void *out_buf,
size_t out_buf_size,
size_t *out_response_size) {
modem_ctx_t *modem_ctx = (modem_ctx_t *) modem_ctx_;
char req_buf[REQ_BUF_SIZE];
char resp_buf[RESP_BUF_SIZE] = "";
char *req_buf_ptr = req_buf;
char *const req_buf_end = req_buf + sizeof(req_buf);
int result = avs_simple_snprintf(req_buf_ptr,
(size_t) (req_buf_end - req_buf_ptr),
"AT+CSIM=%" PRIu32 ",\"",
(uint32_t) (2 * cmd_length));
if (result < 0) {
return result;
req_buf_ptr += result;
if ((size_t) (req_buf_end - req_buf_ptr) < 2 * cmd_length) {
return -1;
if ((result = avs_hexlify(req_buf_ptr, (size_t) (req_buf_end - req_buf_ptr),
NULL, cmd, cmd_length))) {
return result;
req_buf_ptr += 2 * cmd_length;
if ((result = avs_simple_snprintf(
req_buf_ptr, (size_t) (req_buf_end - req_buf_ptr), "\"\r\n"))
< 0) {
return result;
req_buf_ptr += result;
ssize_t written =
write(modem_ctx->pts_fd, req_buf, (size_t) (req_buf_ptr - req_buf));
if (written != (ssize_t) (req_buf_ptr - req_buf)) {
return -1;
avs_time_monotonic_t deadline = avs_time_monotonic_add(
avs_time_duration_from_scalar(5, AVS_TIME_S));
bool csim_resp_received = false;
bool ok_received = false;
while (!ok_received) {
if (modem_getline(modem_ctx, resp_buf, sizeof(resp_buf), deadline)) {
return -1;
const char *resp_terminator = memchr(resp_buf, '\0', sizeof(resp_buf));
if (!resp_terminator) {
return -1;
if (memcmp(resp_buf, CSIM_RESP, strlen(CSIM_RESP)) == 0) {
if (csim_resp_received) {
return -1;
errno = 0;
char *endptr = NULL;
long long resp_reported_length =
strtoll(resp_buf + strlen(CSIM_RESP), &endptr, 10);
if (errno || !endptr || endptr[0] != ',' || endptr[1] != '"'
|| resp_reported_length < 0
|| endptr + resp_reported_length + 2 >= resp_terminator
|| endptr[resp_reported_length + 2] != '"'
|| avs_unhexlify(out_response_size, (uint8_t *) out_buf,
out_buf_size, endptr + 2,
(size_t) resp_reported_length)) {
return -1;
csim_resp_received = true;
} else if (strcmp(resp_buf, "OK") == 0) {
ok_received = true;
return csim_resp_received ? 0 : -1;
static int bootstrap_from_sim(anjay_t *anjay, const char *modem_device) {
modem_ctx_t modem_ctx = {
.pts_fd = -1
int result = -1;
avs_log(tutorial, INFO, "Attempting to bootstrap from SIM card");
if (fifo_init(&modem_ctx.fifo)) {
avs_log(tutorial, ERROR, "could not initialize FIFO");
goto finish;
if ((modem_ctx.pts_fd = open(modem_device, O_RDWR)) < 0) {
avs_log(tutorial, ERROR, "could not open modem device %s: %s",
modem_device, strerror(errno));
goto finish;
if (avs_is_err(anjay_sim_bootstrap_perform(anjay, sim_perform_command,
&modem_ctx))) {
avs_log(tutorial, ERROR, "Could not bootstrap from SIM card");
goto finish;
result = 0;
if (modem_ctx.pts_fd >= 0) {
return result;
The sim_perform_command()
function is a callback that is passed to the
module logic, and performs the AT+CSIM
command over a
serial port. The modem_getline()
function it calls is almost identical to
the one originally implemented for Non-IP Data Delivery.
The bootstrap_from_sim()
function itself is a wrapper over
anjay_sim_bootstrap_perform() that
additionally initializes and closes the card communication channel.