11.1. Core Persistence
11.1.1. General description
LwM2M protocol, although designed to be as effective as possible in terms of bandwidth and energy consumption, features mechanisms which might require sending larger amounts of data during connection initialization and client registration processes.
Such mechanisms include:
(D)TLS session handshake - both parties have to agree upon which ciphersuite will be used, and potentially verify each other’s certificates and exchange encryption keys,
LwM2M Register operation, which contains parameters of the registration such as endpoint name, used LwM2M version, list of present objects, etc.,
LwM2M Observe operation, which must be issued for every previously configured observation, since the server assumes that the client is not aware of them,
LwM2M Discover operation, which some servers send immediately for every object manifested in Register operation. It’s used to discover present object instances and resources.
In applications where the device is deactivated most of the time and communicates with the server infrequently, going through the registration process before every update is a large communication overhead. One can avoid that by attempting to resume a session, but that requires keeping the library alive, which means it is not allowed to disable the device completely, as application memory (RAM) vanishes when it’s powered down.
By using Core Persistence feature it is possible to persist core library state to non-volatile storage, allowing a device to shut down completely and once it’s up and running again resume the session using state loaded from the memory. Example savings summary
To demonstrate how Core Persistence feature might save bandwidth in cases described above, a benchmark of the example application implemented further in this article was done. Table below summarizes how much data was exchanged with AVSystem’s Coiote DM LwM2M server during initial registration, and later, during reconnection with successful resumption. The application was configured using default settings, with 5 resources observed, all with a single attribute.
Initial connection, no resumption:
Step |
Packets sent (inbound + outbound) |
Sum of UDP packet lengths |
DTLS handshake |
6 |
1058 |
LwM2M operations (Observe, Read, Discover) |
36 |
4104 |
Reconnection, successful resumption:
Step |
Packets sent (inbound + outbound) |
Sum of UDP packet lengths |
DTLS handshake |
3 |
639 |
LwM2M operations (Observe, Read, Discover) |
0 |
0 |
The difference is 4523 bytes (87.6 % reduction).
Core Persistence must not be used in LwM2M Clients acting as LwM2M Gateway.
11.1.2. Technical documentation Introduced APIs
If Core Persistence feature is available in your version of Anjay, relevant APIs
can be enabled either by defining ANJAY_WITH_CORE_PERSISTENCE
or, if using CMake, enabling WITH_CORE_PERSISTENCE
Core Persistence feature introduces two functions:
anjay_new_from_core_persistence(), which instantiates Anjay using previously saved client state,
anjay_delete_with_core_persistence(), which deinitializes Anjay and attempts to save its state to given stream. Usage example
The full code for the following example can be found in the
directory in Anjay
sources. Note that to compile and run it, you need to have access to a
commercial version of Anjay that includes the Core Persistence feature.
As an example, we’ll modify the code from the Persistence support tutorial by adding core state persistence capability to the application.
As core library’s state will be saved and loaded in different order than
Anjay’s pre-implemented objects (which are persisted with anjay_*_persist()
functions), it is not possible to use a single stream for all purposes. Two
separate files will be used now.
Anjay, as described in Persistence support tutorial,
uses generic stream (avs_stream_t
) interface for storage operations.
If this feature is used on a platform which doesn’t support file operations
with standard file API, one must implement that interface on their own, e.g.
make use of microcontroller’s flash memory. This interface may be either
implemented from ground up, or in simple use cases, avs_stream_simple_*
methods can be used.
#define OBJECT_PERSISTENCE_FILENAME "cf-object-persistence.dat"
#define CORE_PERSISTENCE_FILENAME "cf-core-persistence.dat"
Next, we’ll introduce two helper functions for initialization and deinitialization of Anjay.
In case any core persistence data is available, we’ll try to use that to instantiate Anjay and possibly resume our connection to the server. If the persistence file is not accessible or an attempt to use it is unsuccessful, we should fall back to normal anjay_new() call.
anjay_t *
anjay_new_try_from_core_persistence(const anjay_configuration_t *config) {
avs_log(tutorial, INFO,
"Attempting to initialize Anjay from core persistence");
avs_stream_t *file_stream =
anjay_t *result;
if (!file_stream
|| !(result = anjay_new_from_core_persistence(config,
file_stream))) {
result = anjay_new(config);
// remove persistence file to prevent client from reading
// outdated state in case it doesn't shut down gracefully
return result;
Similarly, if core persistence file is not accessible due to some error, we want to resort to default anjay_delete() call.
int anjay_delete_try_with_core_persistence(anjay_t *anjay) {
avs_log(tutorial, INFO,
"Attempting to shut down Anjay and persist its state");
avs_stream_t *file_stream =
if (file_stream) {
int result = anjay_delete_with_core_persistence(anjay, file_stream);
if (result) {
return result;
} else {
return -1;
It’s worth noting that Core Persistence feature doesn’t maintain all of the information about observations - observation parameters are plain LwM2M attributes managed by attribute storage subsystem, thus its state should be persisted too. The relevant code was already implemented in Persistence support tutorial.
Since registration resumption is allowed in Anjay only in case when security context is reused, we’ll convert our example to use PSK security mode.
Technically speaking, LwM2M TS: Transport Bindings allows for registration resumption also for NoSec mode, in case the IP address of a client doesn’t change. Anjay always assumes that the IP address has changed, as it’s generally not possible to reliably determine whether the address visible to the server is still the same; it might be affected by e.g. how routing and Network Address Translation is configured between the parties.
void initialize_objects_with_default_settings(anjay_t *anjay) {
static const char PSK_IDENTITY[] = "identity";
static const char PSK_KEY[] = "P4s$w0rd";
const anjay_security_instance_t security_instance = {
.ssid = 1,
.server_uri = "coaps://eu.iot.avsystem.cloud:5684",
.security_mode = ANJAY_SECURITY_PSK,
.public_cert_or_psk_identity = (const uint8_t *) PSK_IDENTITY,
.public_cert_or_psk_identity_size = strlen(PSK_IDENTITY),
.private_cert_or_psk_key = (const uint8_t *) PSK_KEY,
.private_cert_or_psk_key_size = strlen(PSK_KEY)
const anjay_server_instance_t server_instance = {
.ssid = 1,
.lifetime = 60,
.default_min_period = -1,
.default_max_period = -1,
.disable_timeout = -1,
.binding = "U"
anjay_iid_t security_instance_id = ANJAY_ID_INVALID;
anjay_iid_t server_instance_id = ANJAY_ID_INVALID;
anjay_security_object_add_instance(anjay, &security_instance,
anjay_server_object_add_instance(anjay, &server_instance,
Please note that the example application uses IPv4 and UDP protocol, thus the lifetime parameter is set to a relatively low value to prevent NAT entries in routers between the parties from expiring. After shutting the client down, the registration will expire quickly - practical implementations should update their lifetime parameter to some larger value before disconnecting, or use other Layer 3/Layer 4 protocol combination which doesn’t require frequent communication with the server.
Let’s use all the functions we have implemented above.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
avs_log(tutorial, ERROR, "usage: %s ENDPOINT_NAME", argv[0]);
return -1;
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
const anjay_configuration_t CONFIG = {
.endpoint_name = argv[1],
.in_buffer_size = 4000,
.out_buffer_size = 4000
g_anjay = anjay_new_try_from_core_persistence(&CONFIG);
if (!g_anjay) {
avs_log(tutorial, ERROR, "Could not create Anjay object");
return -1;
int result = -1;
// Setup necessary objects
if (anjay_security_object_install(g_anjay)
|| anjay_server_object_install(g_anjay)) {
goto cleanup;
int restore_retval = restore_objects_if_possible(g_anjay);
if (restore_retval < 0) {
goto cleanup;
} else if (restore_retval > 0) {
result = anjay_event_loop_run(g_anjay,
avs_time_duration_from_scalar(1, AVS_TIME_S));
int persist_result = persist_objects(g_anjay);
if (!result) {
result = persist_result;
if (result) {
} else {
result = anjay_delete_try_with_core_persistence(g_anjay);
return result;
To see how this feature affects data sent during the connection, we encourage to not only analyze application’s log output, but use some packet analyzer software like Wireshark.
Because Core Persistence feature maintains some data that depends on real
time (time at which disabled servers should be reenabled, registration expiry
time), this feature requires a properly implemented real clock
see porting article) to work correctly.
Also, make sure to synchronize it first (by using e.g. RTC or NTP protocol)
before starting the client, otherwise disabled servers will be not reenabled
as expected and the registration will be incorrectly deemed to be up to date.
Alternatively, if it’s not possible to synchronize the clock before, make
sure to manually enable those disabled servers back by using
and schedule a registration update using