5.4.4. Multi-instance writable object with fixed number of instances


This section describes in details the implementation of custom Objects in Anjay, either defined in OMA LwM2M Object and Resource Registry or designed by user.

Although most of the Object’s code can be generated using Anjay Object stub generator if you have Object’s definition in XML, it is recommended to read this section to have a clear understanding on what various parts of the LwM2M Object code are for.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • how to implement resource_write to create a writeable Resource,

  • what are Partial Update and Replace variants of the LwM2M Write request,

  • how to setup instance_reset handler to handle LwM2M Write (Replace),

  • basics of transaction handling in Anjay.

Implemented object is based on Multi-instance read-only object with fixed number of instances, but this time accepts Write requests.


Object ID


Test object



Each Object Instance has two Resources:


Resource ID
















Integer Simple variant

The test_instance_t needs to be able to store arbitrary data. Let us set an arbitrary limit of 32 characters in length (including terminating nullbyte):

typedef struct test_instance {
    char label[32];
    int32_t value;
} test_instance_t;

Now the anjay_dm_resource_write_t handler implementation:

static int test_resource_write(anjay_t *anjay,
                               const anjay_dm_object_def_t *const *obj_ptr,
                               anjay_iid_t iid,
                               anjay_rid_t rid,
                               anjay_riid_t riid,
                               anjay_input_ctx_t *ctx) {
    (void) anjay; // unused

    test_object_t *test = get_test_object(obj_ptr);

    // IID validity was checked by the `anjay_dm_list_instances_t` handler.
    // If the Object Instance set does not change, or can only be modified
    // via LwM2M Create/Delete requests, it is safe to assume IID is correct.
    assert((size_t) iid < NUM_INSTANCES);
    struct test_instance *current_instance = &test->instances[iid];

    // We have no Multiple-Instance Resources, so it is safe to assume
    // that RIID is never set.
    assert(riid == ANJAY_ID_INVALID);

    switch (rid) {
    case 0: {
        // `anjay_get_string` may return a chunk of data instead of the
        // whole value - we need to make sure the client is able to hold
        // the entire value
        char buffer[sizeof(current_instance->label)];
        int result = anjay_get_string(ctx, buffer, sizeof(buffer));

        if (result == 0) {
            // value OK - save it
            memcpy(current_instance->label, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
        } else if (result == ANJAY_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT) {
            // the value is too long to store in the buffer
            result = ANJAY_ERR_BAD_REQUEST;

        return result;

    case 1:
        // reading primitive values can be done directly - the value will only
        // be written to the output variable if everything went fine
        return anjay_get_i32(ctx, &current_instance->value);

        // control will never reach this part due to test_list_resources
        return ANJAY_ERR_INTERNAL;

We also need to update the test_list_resources handler with the information that the resources are writable:

static int test_list_resources(anjay_t *anjay,
                               const anjay_dm_object_def_t *const *obj_ptr,
                               anjay_iid_t iid,
                               anjay_dm_resource_list_ctx_t *ctx) {
    // ...
    anjay_dm_emit_res(ctx, 0, ANJAY_DM_RES_RW, ANJAY_DM_RES_PRESENT);
    anjay_dm_emit_res(ctx, 1, ANJAY_DM_RES_RW, ANJAY_DM_RES_PRESENT);
    return 0;

Everything that was left to do is plugging in handlers. There is a catch though: any modifying operation (writing a value, creating or deleting an Object Instance) requires explicitly defined transaction handlers. anjay_dm_transaction_NOOP placeholder will be used for now, see Transactional variant for an actual implementation of these.

 static const anjay_dm_object_def_t OBJECT_DEF = {
     // ...
     .handlers = {
         // ...

         .resource_write = test_resource_write,

         .transaction_begin = anjay_dm_transaction_NOOP,
         .transaction_validate = anjay_dm_transaction_NOOP,
         .transaction_commit = anjay_dm_transaction_NOOP,
         .transaction_rollback = anjay_dm_transaction_NOOP


Complete code of this example can be found in examples/tutorial/AT-CustomObjects/writable-multiple-fixed subdirectory of main Anjay project repository. LwM2M Write operation modes

A LwM2M Server may perform a Write on the entire Object Instance. Two variants of such requests are available - both replace values of Instance Resources with received values, but they differ in what happens to Resources not present in the request:

  • Partial Update - they are leaved unchanged,

  • Replace - Optional Resources are reset to “missing” state. All mandatory Resources MUST be specified in the request, otherwise it MUST be considered invalid.


    Anjay does not distinguish Mandatory and Optional Resources - the user is responsible for ensuring the state of an Object is still valid after handling a request. This topic is covered in detail in Transactional variant; we will ignore it in this particular example.

Anjay implements Partial Update as a series of resource_write calls and Replace one as instance_reset + series of resource_write calls. To properly support both Write variants, instance_reset needs to be implemented too. Anjay transaction handlers

In some cases, like LwM2M Write requests targeting an Object Instance, Anjay calls multiple handlers modifying the data model to perform a single atomic operation. In such case, transactions ensure that data model is not left in an inconsistent state when one of handler calls fails. To achieve correct behavior, used-defined handlers should behave as described below:

  • anjay_dm_resource_write_t - needs to ensure that the value being written is correct and store new value in such a way that rolling back to the previous one is still possible. It must not check constraints that depend on values of other Resources, as these Resources may also change during the same transaction.

  • anjay_dm_transaction_begin_t - always called before any operation that changes the data model (LwM2M Write, Create, Delete). It should do whatever actions are necessary for correct transaction handling - in the simplest possible case, it could save a snapshot of the current state of the Object to restore it when rollback is required.

  • anjay_dm_transaction_validate_t - called after all write/create/remove handlers succeed. It should verify cross-Resource or cross-Instance constraints and fail if the data model state is not consistent. Example: LwM2M requires that at most one Security (/0) object instance has Bootstrap Server Resource set to 1. If a LwM2M Create operation adds an instance with this Bootstrap Server = 1 when there already was one, this handler needs to fail.

  • anjay_dm_transaction_commit_t - called after the transaction was successfully validated by the anjay_dm_transaction_validate_t handler. It should atomically apply all changes performed since last call to anjay_dm_transaction_begin_t for the same object.


    This handler must not fail, unless a critical and unrecoverable error (e.g. hardware failure) occurs.

  • anjay_dm_transaction_rollback_t - called after one of write/create/remove/validate handlers fails. It should atomically restore the object to a state it was at the last anjay_dm_transaction_begin_t call.


    This handler must not fail, unless a critical and unrecoverable error (e.g. hardware failure) occurs.

This tutorial shows an example of implementing transactions by storing a snapshot of the entire state of a LwM2M Object.


Such implementation, while simple, effectively doubles amount of RAM used by the Object. Transactional variant

Knowing all about different LwM2M Write variants and Anjay transaction handlers, we can start implementing a transaction-aware client capable of handling all LwM2M Write requests.

Let’s start by implementing the instance_reset handler. Two boolean flags need to be added to test_instance_t to detect a situation where a value is considered “unset”:

typedef struct test_instance {
    bool has_label;
    char label[32];

    bool has_value;
    int32_t value;
} test_instance_t;

instance_reset and resource_write should then use these to appropriately mark Resources as set/unset:

static int test_instance_reset(anjay_t *anjay,
                               const anjay_dm_object_def_t *const *obj_ptr,
                               anjay_iid_t iid) {
    (void) anjay; // unused

    test_object_t *test = get_test_object(obj_ptr);

    // IID validity was checked by the `anjay_dm_list_instances_t` handler.
    // If the Object Instance set does not change, or can only be modified
    // via LwM2M Create/Delete requests, it is safe to assume IID is correct.
    assert((size_t) iid < NUM_INSTANCES);

    // mark all Resource values for Object Instance `iid` as unset
    test->instances[iid].has_label = false;
    test->instances[iid].has_value = false;
    return 0;

// ...

static int test_resource_write(anjay_t *anjay,
                               const anjay_dm_object_def_t *const *obj_ptr,
                               anjay_iid_t iid,
                               anjay_rid_t rid,
                               anjay_riid_t riid,
                               anjay_input_ctx_t *ctx) {
    // ...

    switch (rid) {
    case 0: {
            // ...

            // value OK - save it
            memcpy(current_instance->label, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
            current_instance->has_label = true;

            // ...

    case 1: {
        // reading primitive values can be done directly - the value will only
        // be written to the output variable if everything went fine
        int result = anjay_get_i32(ctx, &current_instance->value);
        if (result == 0) {
            current_instance->has_value = true;
        return result;

    // ...

Having has_label/has_value flags ready, we can finally implement transaction handlers:

static int test_transaction_begin(anjay_t *anjay,
                                  const anjay_dm_object_def_t *const *obj_ptr) {
    (void) anjay; // unused

    test_object_t *test = get_test_object(obj_ptr);

    // store a snapshot of object state
    memcpy(test->backup_instances, test->instances, sizeof(test->instances));
    return 0;

static int
test_transaction_validate(anjay_t *anjay,
                          const anjay_dm_object_def_t *const *obj_ptr) {
    (void) anjay; // unused

    test_object_t *test = get_test_object(obj_ptr);

    // ensure all Object Instances contain all Mandatory Resources
    for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_INSTANCES; ++i) {
        if (!test->instances[i].has_label || !test->instances[i].has_value) {
            // validation failed: Object state invalid, rollback required
            return ANJAY_ERR_BAD_REQUEST;

    // validation successful, can commit
    return 0;

static int
test_transaction_commit(anjay_t *anjay,
                        const anjay_dm_object_def_t *const *obj_ptr) {
    (void) anjay;   // unused
    (void) obj_ptr; // unused

    // no action required in this implementation; if object state snapshot was
    // dynamically allocated, this would be the place for releasing it
    return 0;

static int
test_transaction_rollback(anjay_t *anjay,
                          const anjay_dm_object_def_t *const *obj_ptr) {
    (void) anjay; // unused

    test_object_t *test = get_test_object(obj_ptr);

    // restore saved object state
    memcpy(test->instances, test->backup_instances, sizeof(test->instances));
    return 0;

// ...

static const anjay_dm_object_def_t OBJECT_DEF = {
    // ...
    .handlers = {
        // ...

        .instance_reset = test_instance_reset,

        // ...

        .transaction_begin = test_transaction_begin,
        .transaction_validate = test_transaction_validate,
        .transaction_commit = test_transaction_commit,
        .transaction_rollback = test_transaction_rollback

That is everything one needs to set up a complete, transaction-aware writable Resource.


Complete code of this example can be found in examples/tutorial/AT-CustomObjects/writable-multiple-fixed-transactional subdirectory of main Anjay project repository.