final class JsonStringOutput extends BaseJsonOutput with OutputAndSimpleOutput

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. JsonStringOutput
  2. OutputAndSimpleOutput
  3. SimpleOutput
  4. Output
  5. BaseJsonOutput
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new JsonStringOutput(builder: commons.JStringBuilder, options: JsonOptions = JsonOptions.Default, depth: Int = 0)

Value Members

  1. def keepsMetadata(metadata: InputMetadata[_]): Boolean

    Determines whether serialization format implemented by this Output preserves particular arbitrary "metadata" which is identified by InputMetadata which is usually an object (e.g.

    Determines whether serialization format implemented by this Output preserves particular arbitrary "metadata" which is identified by InputMetadata which is usually an object (e.g. companion object of metadata value type T). An example of InputMetadata is JsonType supported by JsonStringOutput.

    If this method returns true then codec may optimize its encoded format and assume that a corresponding Input implementation will return a non-empty Opt from its readMetadata implementation when passed the same InputMetadata identifier. If this method returns false then this Output does not support this medatata type and codec should fall back to some other serialization strategy.

    Definition Classes
  2. def legacyOptionEncoding: Boolean

    This ugly workaround has been introduced when standard Option encoding changed from zero-or-one element list encoding to unwrapped-or-null encoding which effectively disallowed serializing null and Some(null).

    This ugly workaround has been introduced when standard Option encoding changed from zero-or-one element list encoding to unwrapped-or-null encoding which effectively disallowed serializing null and Some(null). If some Output implementation still wants to use the list encoding, it may do it by overriding this method and returning true.

    Definition Classes
  3. def writeBigDecimal(bigDecimal: BigDecimal): Unit

    Value written MUST NOT be null

    Value written MUST NOT be null

    Definition Classes
  4. def writeBigInt(bigInt: BigInt): Unit

    Value written MUST NOT be null

    Value written MUST NOT be null

    Definition Classes
  5. def writeBinary(binary: Array[Byte]): Unit

    Value written MUST NOT be null

    Value written MUST NOT be null

    Definition Classes
  6. def writeBoolean(boolean: Boolean): Unit
    Definition Classes
  7. def writeByte(byte: Byte): Unit
    Definition Classes
  8. def writeChar(char: Char): Unit
    Definition Classes
  9. def writeCustom[T](typeMarker: TypeMarker[T], value: T): Boolean

    Attempts to write some arbitrary custom "native" value that this output may or may not support.

    Attempts to write some arbitrary custom "native" value that this output may or may not support. The custom type is identified by an instance of TypeMarker which is usually an object (e.g. companion object of the custom T type itself). This way Input and Output implementations may support other native types than the ones supported by default by Input and Output interfaces.

    Codecs may use this method to optimize encoded format in case it it possible with particular Output implementation. GenCodec may generally assume that if this method returns true then corresponding Input will return a non-empty Opt from readCustom method.

    false returned by this method indicates that this output does not support this particular type. In such situation the codec must fall back to some other strategy. If the native type is supported but there was some error writing it then a WriteFailure should be thrown instead of returning false.

    Definition Classes
  10. def writeDouble(double: Double): Unit
    Definition Classes
  11. def writeFloat(float: Float): Unit
    Definition Classes
  12. def writeInt(int: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  13. def writeList(): JsonListOutput
    Definition Classes
  14. def writeLong(long: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
  15. def writeNull(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  16. def writeObject(): JsonObjectOutput
    Definition Classes
  17. def writeRawJson(json: String): Unit
  18. def writeShort(short: Short): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. final def writeSimple(): SimpleOutput
    Definition Classes
  20. def writeString(str: String): Unit

    Value written MUST NOT be null

    Value written MUST NOT be null

    Definition Classes
  21. def writeTimestamp(millis: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes