package cbor

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class BaseCborOutput extends AnyRef
  2. class CborFieldInput extends CborInput with FieldInput
  3. class CborInput extends InputAndSimpleInput

    An Input implementation that deserializes from CBOR.

  4. class CborListInput extends CborSequentialInput with ListInput
  5. class CborListOutput extends BaseCborOutput with ListOutput
  6. class CborObjectInput extends CborSequentialInput with ObjectInput
  7. class CborObjectOutput extends BaseCborOutput with ObjectOutput
  8. class CborOutput extends BaseCborOutput with OutputAndSimpleOutput

    An Output implementation that serializes into CBOR.

  9. final class CborReader extends AnyRef
  10. abstract class CborSequentialInput extends SequentialInput
  11. trait FieldLabels extends AnyRef

    Defines translation between textual object field names and corresponding numeric labels.

    Defines translation between textual object field names and corresponding numeric labels. May be used to reduce size of CBOR representation of objects.

  12. final class HFloat extends AnyVal

    IEEE 754 half-precision floating point number

    IEEE 754 half-precision floating point number

    This class only implements conversion to and from standard Float (single precision floating point). Arithmetic is not implemented.

  13. final class InitialByte extends AnyVal

  14. final class MajorType extends AbstractValueEnum

  15. final case class RawCbor(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  16. final case class Tag(value: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
