6.3. Download modes and protocols
6.3.1. Firmware transfer
The LwM2M protocol defines two modes of firmware download:
PUSH - the download is initiated by the Server, performing a Write operation on the /5/0/0 (Package) Resource. This usually means a block-wise transfer, which for Anjay based clients will prevent handling other LwM2M requests until the Write completes, as described in Single request - single function call.
PULL - the LwM2M Server indicates where should the client download firmware package from with Write on /5/0/1 (Package URI) Resource. The client then performs the download asynchronously, while still being able to handle LwM2M requests.
The download protocols officially defined in the LwM2M Specification are:
Anjay supports all of them out of the box in a default configuration. Configuring the specific set of features relevant for the user is a matter of setting a few CMake options:
- enables/disables PULL downloads in general (ON by default),WITH_COAP_DOWNLOAD
- enables/disables PULL downloads over CoAP(s) (ON by default),WITH_HTTP_DOWNLOAD
- enables/disables PULL downloads over HTTP(s) (ON by default),WITH_AVS_COAP_UDP
- enables/disables CoAP/UDP (ON by default),WITH_AVS_COAP_TCP
- enables/disables CoAP/TCP (ON by default).
6.3.2. Which download mode should you choose
Although in the end, it is the Server that selects download method, we advise persuading your Server provider to use PULL transfers exclusively.
The unfortunate limitation of a PUSH download mode in Anjay is that it completely blocks the client. In other words, while conducting PUSH download, Anjay is pretty much unable to do anything else. Because of that it is strongly recommended to use PULL mode, which is implemented asynchronously in the library.
We recommend using PULL download mode due to limitations imposed on other download modes.
6.3.3. Which download protocol should you choose
Again, it’s the Server decision which protocol shall be utilized for the download (of course out of the list of supported protocols, which you MAY control, at least partially, through the list of CMake options mentioned in former sections), but downloads using CoAP(s)/UDP tend to be slow due to limitation of the maximum CoAP BLOCK size of 1024 bytes. The fact that each Block-Wise packet needs an acknowledgment from the other side does not help either.
If the download speed is important you should stand with either CoAP(s)/TCP or HTTP(s) as the download protocol.