
trait CollectionAliases extends AnyRef

Aliases for Scala collections which are both concise and leave no doubt about whether the collection type is immutable, mutable or the base type (read only).

B stands for base (read only) I stands for immutable M stands for mutable

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CollectionAliases
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type BBitSet = BitSet
  2. type BIndexedSeq[+A] = IndexedSeq[A]
  3. type BIterable[+A] = Iterable[A]
  4. type BLinearSeq[+A] = LinearSeq[A]
  5. type BMap[A, +B] = Map[A, B]
  6. type BSeq[+A] = Seq[A]
  7. type BSet[A] = Set[A]
  8. type BSortedMap[A, +B] = SortedMap[A, B]
  9. type BSortedSet[A] = SortedSet[A]
  10. type BTraversable[+A] = Traversable[A]
  11. type IBitSet = BitSet
  12. type IHashMap[A, +B] = HashMap[A, B]
  13. type IHashSet[A] = HashSet[A]
  14. type IIndexedSeq[+A] = IndexedSeq[A]
  15. type IIterable[+A] = Iterable[A]
  16. type ILinearSeq[+A] = LinearSeq[A]
  17. type IListMap[A, +B] = ListMap[A, B]
  18. type IMap[A, +B] = Map[A, B]
  19. type IQueue[+A] = Queue[A]
  20. type ISeq[+A] = Seq[A]
  21. type ISet[A] = Set[A]
  22. type ISortedMap[A, +B] = SortedMap[A, B]
  23. type ISortedSet[A] = SortedSet[A]
  24. type ITraversable[+A] = Traversable[A]
  25. type ITreeMap[A, +B] = TreeMap[A, B]
  26. type ITreeSet[A] = TreeSet[A]
  27. type MArrayBuffer[A] = ArrayBuffer[A]
  28. type MBitSet = BitSet
  29. type MBuffer[A] = Buffer[A]
  30. type MHashMap[A, B] = HashMap[A, B]
  31. type MHashSet[A] = HashSet[A]
  32. type MIndexedSeq[A] = IndexedSeq[A]
  33. type MIterable[A] = Iterable[A]
  34. type MLinearSeq[A] = LinearSeq[A]
  35. type MLinkedHashMap[A, B] = LinkedHashMap[A, B]
  36. type MLinkedHashSet[A] = LinkedHashSet[A]
  37. type MListBuffer[A] = ListBuffer[A]
  38. type MListMap[A, B] = ListMap[A, B]
  39. type MMap[A, B] = Map[A, B]
  40. type MQueue[A] = Queue[A]
  41. type MSeq[A] = Seq[A]
  42. type MSet[A] = Set[A]
  43. type MSortedSet[A] = SortedSet[A]
  44. type MTraversable[A] = Traversable[A]
  45. type MTreeSet[A] = TreeSet[A]

Value Members

  1. final def BBitSet: BitSet.type
  2. final def BIndexedSeq: IndexedSeq.type
  3. final def BIterable: Iterable.type
  4. final def BLinearSeq: LinearSeq.type
  5. final def BMap: Map.type
  6. final def BSeq: Seq.type
  7. final def BSet: Set.type
  8. final def BSortedMap: SortedMap.type
  9. final def BSortedSet: SortedSet.type
  10. final def BTraversable: Traversable.type
  11. final def IBitSet: BitSet.type
  12. final def IHashMap: HashMap.type
  13. final def IHashSet: HashSet.type
  14. final def IIndexedSeq: IndexedSeq.type
  15. final def IIterable: Iterable.type
  16. final def ILinearSeq: LinearSeq.type
  17. final def IListMap: ListMap.type
  18. final def IMap: Map.type
  19. final def IQueue: Queue.type
  20. final def ISeq: Seq.type
  21. final def ISet: Set.type
  22. final def ISortedMap: SortedMap.type
  23. final def ISortedSet: SortedSet.type
  24. final def ITraversable: Traversable.type
  25. final def ITreeMap: TreeMap.type
  26. final def ITreeSet: TreeSet.type
  27. final def MArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer.type
  28. final def MBitSet: BitSet.type
  29. final def MBuffer: Buffer.type
  30. final def MHashMap: HashMap.type
  31. final def MHashSet: HashSet.type
  32. final def MIndexedSeq: IndexedSeq.type
  33. final def MIterable: Iterable.type
  34. final def MLinearSeq: LinearSeq.type
  35. final def MLinkedHashMap: LinkedHashMap.type
  36. final def MLinkedHashSet: LinkedHashSet.type
  37. final def MListBuffer: ListBuffer.type
  38. final def MListMap: ListMap.type
  39. final def MMap: Map.type
  40. final def MQueue: Queue.type
  41. final def MSeq: Seq.type
  42. final def MSet: Set.type
  43. final def MSortedSet: SortedSet.type
  44. final def MTraversable: Traversable.type
  45. final def MTreeSet: TreeSet.type