



trait AnnotationAggregate extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

Base trait for annotations which aggregate multiple other annotations. This way annotation aggregates work like "annotation functions" - they are annotations that yield more annotations.

In order to specify aggregated annotations, the class that extends AnnotationAggregate must redefine the Implied dummy type member and apply the aggregated annotations on it. Macro engines used in GenCodec materialization and RPC framework will automatically pick up these annotations.

import com.avsystem.commons.serialization._

class mongoId extends AnnotationAggregate {
  @name("_id") @outOfOrder
  type Implied

case class SomeMongoEntity(@mongoId id: String, data: String)

In the above example, applying @mongoId annotation on the id field has the same effect as if annotations @name("_id") @outOfOrder were applied directly on that field.

NOTE: thanks to the fact that aggregated annotations are applied on a type member you can pass the arguments of original annotation to aggregated annotations, e.g.

class rpcNameAndDescription(name: String, description: String) extends AnnotationAggregate {
  @rpcName(name) // passing `name` to aggregated annotation
  type Implied
Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. AnnotationAggregate
  2. StaticAnnotation
  3. Annotation
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract type Implied

    Dummy type member meant to be redefined in order to have aggregated annotations applied on it.

    Dummy type member meant to be redefined in order to have aggregated annotations applied on it. These annotations will be automatically picked up by macro engines each time they encounter the aggregating annotation itself. Other than being an "anchor" for annotations, this type member has no actual meaning and there is no reason to ever actually use it. NOTE: a less weird solution would be to put aggregated annotations on the aggregating annotation class itself, but this would make it impossible to access the arguments of aggregating annotation in aggregated annotations.